The brand new Lexus GX550 Overtrail+ is one of the most capable off-road SUVs sold today. But most buyers will likely spend 99.9% of their time on the pavement—crawling around mall parking lots and school drop off lines. Is it worth having all of these fancy off-road features for 0.1% of your driving? Given how in-demand these things are, it seems like a lot of buyers think so. Today we’ll take a look at the design, features, tech, and take it on the dirt to test out its off-road prowess. We’ll find out if it makes any sense to buy one of these things!

Does a Pavement Focused Defender Make Sense? 2025 Land Rover Defender 110 V8 Review!
This week I’m driving the Land Rover Defender 110 V8, a high-powered version of the iconic and capable off-roader. Only problem is,